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Electrostatic Filters to Reduce COVID-19 Spread in Bubble CPAP: An in vitro Study of Safety and Efficacy

Electrostatic Filters to Reduce COVID-19 Spread in Bubble CPAP: An in vitro Study of Safety and Efficacy

Bubble CPAP may be used in infants with COVID-19 infection with respiratory compromise.

Electrostatic filters may reduce cross infection in bubble CPAP circuits.

In this article, Davis et al, examined the effect of inserting a filter inside the bubble CPAP circuit on the stability of pressure delivery. Authors placed a new electrostatic filter before (or after) the bubble CPAP generator and compared it to circuits with no filters. Filters were weighed before and after each experiment and it filter ‘failure’ was considered if pressure within the circuits exceeded 9 cm H2O for 60 minutes or more. They found that the average time for a filter to reach the fail point was 257 minutes when placed before the generator and 525 minutes when placed after. In addition, they noted that mean airway pressure was higher in the before position compared to control and that the weight of the filter was heavier when it was before the generator compared to after. They concluded that placement of filters before the generator in a bubble CPAP circuit should be avoided due to unpredictable pressure generated.

A filter may be placed after the generator, but it needs regular pressure monitoring and frequent replacement. Read more

Davis J, W, Pillow J, J, Cooper M, N, Dahl M, J: Electrostatic Filters to Reduce COVID-19 Spread in Bubble CPAP: An in vitro Study of Safety and Efficacy. Neonatology 2020;117:736-741

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