Bubble CPAP is associated with a decreased risk for chronic lung disease and decreased use of sedatives in preterm neonates, results of a new quality improvement project.
Bubble CPAP is associated with a decreased risk for chronic lung disease and decreased use of sedatives in preterm neonates, results of a new quality improvement project.
This report examined the effectiveness of adopting bubble CPAP management strategy to reduce respiratory complications and medication usage in a community hospital NICU. Authors assessed the efficacy of bubble CPAP by comparing 45 neonates who were managed with bubble CPAP to 87 neonates (historical control) who were managed by conventional ventilation.
Authors report that after the introduction of the bubble CPAP, the number of days on mechanical ventilation and days on supplemental oxygen decreased in the bubble CPAP group compared with the conventional ventilation group. CLD was reduced from 30% pre-implementation to 4% post-implementation. In addition, there was a significant decrease in the use of sedative medications in the bubble CPAP group. Read more
Miller et al: Decreasing Chronic Lung Disease Associated with Bubble CPAP Technology: Experience at Five Years, Pediatric Quality and Safety: March/April 2020 – Volume 5 – Issue 2 – p e281.