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Bubble CPAP for respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants

Bubble CPAP for respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants

Bubble CPAP is a non-invasive air flow method for newborns with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). It is one of the strategies based on non-stop high quality airway pressure (bCPAP) that is introduced to a new child of spontaneous breathing to preserve lung volumes at a certain point of l ‘expiry. This method is not only a cost effective solution for newborns with respiratory distress but also a machine with an easy and simple circuit setup

How to treat Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) on Premature babies

Bubble CPAP Circuit Nearly 12% of babies born in the U.S. are born prematurely and about 1% of them develop respiratory distress syndrome (RSD) which makes it the most typical breathing issue found in a premature infant. The main cause of RDS is a deficiency of surfactants. Surfactant is actually a substance that helps keep the lungs of the premature infant open to ensure that the baby can continue breathing. It can coat the air sacs within the lungs helping with the discharge of carbon dioxide and also the intake of a proper oxygen amount into the lungs to assimilate it into the blood. Surfactant is created by healthy mature lungs and a premature infant’s body is too premature to create this crucial thick fluid. Lungs mature extremely late in pregnancy and the earlier an infant is born the higher the issues might appear. In fact, bCPAP is considered to be the most effective and safe solution for these babies born with respiratory problems, especially with respiratory distress syndrome.

Bubble CPAP Circuit: a cost effective, efficient, and safe solution.

Respiratory distress syndrome at premature birth can be prevented with bed rest, medication, and hydration may be the best alternative. However, one of the most effective solutions for RDS is the bCPAP bubble circuit because of its simplicity and high efficiency. Bubble CPAP Circuit Bubble CPAP circuit has become crucial in the management of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome since its appearance for more than 30 years. Bubble CPAP systems, such as ‘ventilator-derived’ or ‘Machine-derived’ CPAP, put pressure on the neonatal respiratory system through nasal prongs placed in the infant’s nostrils, forming an airtight seal to minimize the leaks. Bubble CPAP Circuits, on the opposite hand, are a lot easier to use and easy to set up compared to the ventilator CPAP derivative, usually consisting only of a humidified bias flow delivered into the inspiratory limb also the CPAP level set based on how far the expiratory limb from the circuit is submerged in a watertight chamber. The ease of use of this system appeals to several centers, particularly low-resource neonatal units in developing countries. Bubble CPAP It has been shown to be both safe and effective if installed properly. Bubble CPAP setup is simple in most cases.  This treatment can help prevent intubation and mechanical ventilation if used immediately after birth. Bubble CPAP has several advantages, including the generation of wave oscillations, which can alleviate surfactant deficiency and respiratory distress syndrome. Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (bCPAP) is obviously a life-saving treatment for preterm children and newborns suffering from respiratory distress.

Start exploring our learning modules in bCPAP.

The Bubble CPAP Institute is an interactive educational platform aiming to make the knowledge and skill set of Bubble CPAP accessible to practitioners who care for neonates and young infants across the globe. This platform will primarily focus on the know-how and will offer educational modules on issues like when to consider bCPAP in managing infants with respiratory distress, how to assemble the bCPAP circuits, how to apply the nasal interface and how to troubleshoot bedside issues.

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